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MB 590 Capstone

 The capstone project teaches students how to identify an unmet market need and apply the knowledge and skills learned through previous coursework to develop a business plan.  During my capstone project, my three teammates and I developed a product idea for treating Citrus Greening, a bacterial disease that is devastating citrus groves within the US.

The Problem & Market Need

The Asian Citrus Psyllid (Diaphorina citri Kuwayama) is a citrus tree pest that spreads Candidatus liberibacter asiaticus, the bacteria that causes Citrus Greening.

Citrus Greening causes trees to produce irregularly shaped fruit that are bitter and non-sellable.  Infected trees die within a few years of contracting the disease and there is currently no cure on the market. Over $1 Bn is spent annually by citrus farmers in an attempt to protect their groves. Since 2003, the acreage of citrus groves within the US has been decreased by 53% and has caused a loss of over 30,000 jobs.

Our Solution

Here is our final presentation that my team and I presented to our program board at the end of our project.

Our solution was a sprayable microbial biocontrol formulation predicted to decrease the chances of citrus trees contracting Citrus Greening by up to 90%.

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